“I HATE IT!” was the phrase that would flash every time I’d hear the name. Damnation! ‘That’s how it was and that’s how it’s gonna be!’ was the attitude. People called me inane, callow for putting that face, but I never budged, never gave in to what others had to say. Being adamant was all that I could be. Never understood why would somebody hail it? ‘What the heck is in it?’ I use to wonder. Little did I know that the subject’s beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
Mumbai – The City of Dreams! I am 25, have been in Pune for almost 8 long years now. Laid-back, peace loving specie; euphemism for lazy some might say. And that’s the reason why I’d loath Mumbai. Thought of setting my foot in Mumbai would give me goose bumps. I was always afraid of its fast paced life. No time for yourself; let alone for others. Sleep with your sneakers on so that you could catch your “local-train” to the Dreamland (if you can afford one); always running. Folks roaming around callously! Never giving a tiny rat’s arse to what other people think or do. Perception is what could take you off guard sometimes. It takes only a push or two to change the college of beliefs. In my case just one!
My cousin lives Mumbai. He’d been expecting my visit since long. So I finally made up my mind, got my sack and booked the ticket. The MSRTC’s Shivneri was supposed to leave for the destination by 7pm IST. As expected, it was late and no damn person (so called authorities) knew the whereabouts of it. “You can’t scream in public! Count till 10, take a deep breath...” I consoled myself and drank all my vexation. Finally the bus showed up after 1:30 long hrs of swearing and yawning! I aboard my ride and got comfy; and thus the journey began.
It was 12:30am when the driver killed the engine. I’d reached Mumbai on cold and windy evening of winter. I was all sleepy and frustrated by traffic jams (Yes, that’s the thing with Mumbai, traffic jam @ midnight). I got off the bus and after 5 complete minutes of enquiry I realized that I am at the wrong place. Fuming with anger I told myself 'you shouldn’t be here'. I was missing my cozy bed back home. Again, unfortunately, can’t scream in public. Revisited the “calm-down” drill, got back my senses and I was ready again. My watch posted 12:45am on its face. Now comes the hardest part; post midnight you actually have to plead “auto-walas” to take you to your destination. I pulled myself with all the energy that I was left with, dragged my bags to the rickshaw stand, took out the piece of paper which had the address written and asked the Rickshaw wala bhaiya - 'Chaloge?' To my utter amazement he said 'Chalega na!' Unexpected answer, but who gives a darn! Now is the time when your bargaining skills pay you off. Asked him, 'Kitana Loge?' and that’s when the lightning struck me. His answer - 'Jo bhi meter se hoega.' Dumbstruck! In Pune you’d have to shell out a fortune past midnight for any kind of service. Had it been Pune, this guy would’ve asked me 'How much do you earn monthly... lets settle this for half of it!' Fortunately, that was not the case and I was beaming and delighted with the answer. Without uttering a word I threw my bag inside and hopped in.
This guy was full of energy and joy at that ungodly hour. Awe-inspiring! Throughout the 10km run he introduced me to the city: the industries, the malls, the slums, the factories, et. al. He told me everything that I needed to know. The city lay bathed in the light. I guess that’s what they meant when they say “Mumbai - A city that NEVER SLEEPS”. I stole a glimpse of myself in his rear view mirror and I don’t know why but I found myself smiling. Suddenly, I felt rejuvenated. I was enjoying it to the core. Must I admit the SPIRIT and ENTHUSIASM of city got me! He dropped me to my destination - safe and sound - around 1:15 am. I handed over the fare with a smile and I wished him good-night. I usually don’t offer my courtesy, but that was not usual!
It was 10 am when my niece and nephew, 5 and 2, couldn’t bear any longer and came to wake me up on lovely Saturday morning. Cup of tea was ready and that’s how the day began. Took shower and got ready for a drive with my cousin. Intended destination was around 1:30 hrs from home, give that we do not meet head-on with any traffic jams. I hopped in, dropped the window glass and took off where I left yesterday – Mumbai Darshan! Serene Ocean, bizarre traffic, uncanny lanes, clumsy slums, eccentric railway tracks… B-E-A-Utiful! I thought to myself. I was lost in thoughts all along...Towering structures reminded me the 26/11 savage killing, Ocean: the Mumbai floods, railway tracks: the bomb blasts. And that’s when it hit me - RESILIENCE! Mumbai has always come back rather strongly after all the down falls. One line to sum it all up: “You can keep knocking, but you won’t knock it down!” – Eminem/Lil Wayne. INSPIRATIONAL!
'What a day!', I thought. I met a lot of people. Everybody greeted me with same ardor. Feeling of warmth and love was commendable. UPBEAT outlook is what I was introduced to. I was worn out and torn apart
It was 10 am when my niece and nephew, still 5 and 2, couldn’t bear any longer and came to wake me up on lovely Sunday morning. Cup of tea was ready and that’s how the day began. It’s time, I told myself, time to bid adieu. Packed my sack, had my lunch and took their leave. As expected, the MSRTC’s Shivneri was late, this time only by an hour. It was beautiful atmosphere. So I decided to treat myself with a stroll. I roamed clueless, without any sense of direction, for an hour. My ride was ready when I got back, only this time, I was not happy. Weird, I thought to myself. Anyways, I got into the bus with heavy heart. Conductor did the final headcount. Bus engine came alive, driver gave it a full throttle and I left…
Having a wrong perception is not bad, getting glued to one is! Only a push, a different point of view, is what all that is required. Mumbai trip was an unforgettable experience. She welcomes you with all that is good and pure. This city never ebbs in darkness. Metaphorically, sun never sets in this city. Motherland has a Kohinoor diamond in her royal crown and it is the financial capital of India. LOVE is all my heart is filled with for this larger than life playing turf. And you know the phrase I’d NOT use again…